
Is Peat Moss Good For A Garden

2 Way soil

This mix contains approximately 70%sedge peat moss and 30%black topsoil
This mixture is mostly used for lawn dressing and reseeding on existing lawns, topping up flower beds and mixing into existing gardens.
This is a budget friendly all-purpose soil mixture.

2 Way soil
3 Way soil

This mix contains approximately 50%sedge peat moss, 35%black topsoil and 15%USGA spec sand.
This mixture is the ultimate all-purpose soil mix, it works great everywhere from lawn dressing, flower beds, gardens, and planters, installing sod and seeding new lawns.
This mixture is mixed with T&T Soils exclusive USGA spec sand, the same sand used at all first-class golf courses around North America.

3 Way soil
4 Way soil

This mix contains approximately 40%sedge peat moss, 35%black topsoil, 15%USGA spec sand and 10% Manure.
This mixture is mostly used for gardens, flower beds, planters and trees, it can be used as an all-purpose mix similar to the 3 way mix, however manure is known to cause weeds.
This is a great budget friendly garden mix.
This mixture is mixed with T&T Soils exclusive USGA spec sand, the same sand used at all first-class golf courses around North America.

4 Way soil
75/25 Soil (Heavy)

This mixture contains approximately 75%black topsoil, and 25%sedge peat moss.
The 75/25 mixture is our heaviest soil blend, it packs very tightly and is mostly used for raising areas and filling in low spots also building up around foundations. This mix is most commonly recommended when 4'' or more is required.

75/25 Soil (Heavy)
Organic Compost

Compost is decomposed organic matter. Composting is a natural process of recycling organic material such as leaves and vegetable scraps into a rich soil amendment that gardeners fondly nickname Black Gold.

The benefits of using compost are numerous. It builds good soil structure; enables soil to retain nutrients, water, and air; protects against drought; helps maintain a neutral pH, and protects plants from many diseases commonly found in the garden. It also feeds earthworms and other microbial life in the soil.

One easy way to apply compost is to mulch with it. Spread the compost in a thick layer on top of exposed soil. Worms and other creatures will help the compost meld with the soil. Mulching is not only an easy way to apply compost but also keeps down weeds and helps your soil retain moisture. Don't have a garden? You can also use compost when potting indoor plants. Use seven parts soil to three parts compost to two parts sand.

How Compost Helps Your Soil

Compost contains nutrients that your plants need for optimum growth, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. And it's an especially good supplier of micronutrients that are needed in small quantities and are sometimes overlooked by gardeners, such as boron, cobalt, copper, iodine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, and zinc. The more varied the materials used to make the compost, the greater the variety of nutrients your compost will provide. In some situations, you will not even need to fertilize soil enriched with compost. Nutrients are released at the rate your plants need them. In early spring, as your plants are slowly starting their growth, the microorganisms in compost are slowly releasing nutrients. As the weather warms up and your plants begin rapid growth, the microorganisms also work faster, releasing more food for your plants. Isn't nature wonderful? The organic matter in compost binds with soil particles (sand, silt, and clay) to form small aggregates, or crumbs. Crumbly soil is said to have good structure, as opposed to sand, which has poor structure because it's too coarse to form aggregates, or clay, which can act like cement when wet. These aggregates hold water on their surfaces, making it available to your plants as they need it. As aggregates form, more spaces are created for oxygen, an essential for good root growth. At the same time, the soil spaces form channels for excess water to percolate through the soil, improving drainage. Increases water-holding capacity of soil. Compost can hold an amount of water equal to 200 percent of its dry weight, compared to 20 percent for a low-humus soil. Acts as an inoculant to your soil, adding microorganisms and larger creatures such as earthworms and insects, which are nature's soil builders. The compost environment is teeming with life, and all soils can benefit from such a rejuvenation. Neutralizes various soil toxins and metals, such as cadmium and lead, by bonding with them so they can't be taken up by plants. Acts as a pH buffer so plants are less dependent on a specific soil pH. The earthworms in the compost help in this process, because in passing organic matter through their bodies they modify the pH of the soil. And you can lower the pH of your soil by adding compost made from acidic raw materials, such as oak or beech leaves, sawdust, and pine needles.

Excerpt from Let it Rot!, by Stu Campbell
Credit for information is

Organic Compost

Decorative Stone Collection

Round Gull Lake Stone

This stone is available in ¼" inch pea stone, ¾", and 1 ½". The stone is screened and washed to size, the rocks are mostly round and smooth with colors consisting of red, blue, purple, gray and black. This stone can be used for any type of decorative project.
¼ inch pea stone is best used for pathways, dog runs, play structures, especially for pets and children to walk on.
¾ inch is for window wells, dog runs and as a decorative stone for your yard.
1 ½ inch is great for gardens and as a decorative stone for your yard.

¾ Round Gull Lake Stone | ¼ Round Gull Lake Stone | 1½ Round Gull Lake Stone
Black Granite

This stone is available in 3/4, 1 1/2, 1/4 minus down, 7/8 minus down.
The stone is crushed and screened to size; it has jagged edges with a black/grey colour. This stone can be used for any type of decorated project.
Black granite is one of the most popular decorative stone, and we get it all the way from Kenora. It also provides a better look to your outdoor spaces.
Black/grey granite is great for a more decorative driveway, pathway, or any outdoor project. It is extremely durable and withstands the elements of time.
It provides easy maintenance, better drainage, and a great accent colour.

1 ½ Black Granite | ¾ Black Granite link |
⅞ minus down Black Granite | ¼ minus down Black Granite
Milner Creek Granite

This stone is available in ¾ and 1 ½. Milner Creek Granite is crushed and screened to size; it has jagged edges with a red/black colour. Milner Creek Granite can be used for any type of decorative project. It is extremely durable and withstands the elements of time.
It provides easy maintenance, better drainage, and a great accent colour.

¾ Milner Creek Granite

1 ½ Milner Creek Granite



¼ Down- Used as a base before putting down stone, pathways, patio blocks, levelling and finishing driveways.
¾ Down- Used for fence posts, under decks and driveways.

¼ Down Limestone

¾ Down Limestone


Organic Coloured Mulch

Our coloured mulch is 100% organic and biodegradable.
Organic mulch will gradually add nutrients to help plants grow, it supresses weeds, it will help conserve soil moisture and temperature. The mulch will also conserve water in the soil by helping reduce evaporation. Organic mulch is a universal landscape product and best used in annual or perennial garden, around trees and shrubs. You can also use them around your fruit and vegetable gardens. Organic Mulch is biodegradable which over time breaks down, it is best to top up your mulch yearly to keep it fresh looking.
Coloured mulch uses organic dyes to add color. Black and brown use carbon-based dyes to change its colour, and red uses iron oxide to get its colour.

Black: Use black mulch around green foliage, it really makes the colours pop. For grey and contemporary homes, black mulch is best.
Dark Brown: use brown mulch for red brick homes, if you have dark brick, a dark roof, and a light/white siding, chose a dark brown mulch to highlight lighter colored flowers.
Red: If you use more terra cottas, golds and warm tones in your outdoor space, red mulch is the best to use.

As a general rule of thumb for flowers, pick a mulch colour that does not work against the color of your blooms.

Black Mulch | Brown Mulch | Red Mulch


Playbox Sand

This is a fine sand that is great used under pools, filling up a sand box, sweeping in between pavers and patio blocks to fill in the gaps. It is used in masonry for mortar and grout. It is also a great beach sand for any back yard fun for kids to play in.

Playbox Sand (Fine Sand)
Coarse Sand

Coarse sand is a larger grit then fine sand, its mainly used in mixing cement, a base for sidewalk pavers/slabs. It can also be used as traction on your sidewalks and driveways. You can also add Coarse sand to your soil to add extra drainage.

Coarse Sand


Sedge Peat Moss

Sedge peat moss is a natural product formed by glacial movement across the landscape which created numerous lake beds and depressions where decaying mosses, reeds and grasses have collected and been decomposing for approximately 7000 years.

Sedge peat moss is much further decomposed then sphagnum peat moss, it contains 30-60% plant fibers. It is less acidic and very dark brown in color, it also has a higher nitrogen content than sphagnum and is less susceptible to decomposition in a soil mix.

The true benefit to sedge peat moss is the significantly increased available water for growing compared to other soils. By increasing your water holding capacity you also increase nutrient retention which also then offers substantial soil buffering capability which smooths out the peaks and valleys created during the growing season.

Sphagnum Peat Moss

Sphagnum peat moss is a natural product formed by glacial movement across the landscape which created numerous lakebeds and depressions where decaying mosses, reeds and grasses have collected and been decomposing for approximately 5000 years.

Sphagnum peat moss is the least decomposed type of peat moss and contains more than 65% of recognizable plant fibers, it is very acidic in nature and typically is yellow to light brown in color.

Sphagnum peat moss has approximately 380 accepted species of mosses. Accumulations of sphagnum can store water, since both living and dead plants can hold large quantities of water in their cells, depending on the species they can hold 15-25 times as much water as their dry weight.

The true benefits seen from sphagnum peat moss is the decayed, dried sphagnum content, when mixed with other soils it increases the soils capacity to hold water and nutrients for plants, that need increased or steady moisture content to flourish during the growing season.

Black Topsoil

Black Topsoil is a natural product that refers to the upper portion of the soil structure found in the Red River Valley and surrounding areas.

Black Topsoil is a nutrient rich dense top layer that is mostly black in color due to the high amount of decomposing plant and animal material in it. Tests confirmed by Cornell University, the darker the soil, the higher the level or organic matter which will include high levels of iron and magnesium.

The benefit to Black Topsoil is that its highly nutritious growing material and when mixed with other soils its medium creates the perfect environment for plants to flourish during the growing season.


The USGA recommendations for the past 40 years has been the most widely used method of golf green construction through out the United States and Canada.

They have provided consistently great results for golf courses. These spec's are periodically reviewed and updated when new techniques and materials are proven reliable. The sand used in a USGA mix is selected to be washed and that the particle size distribution falls in the break down provided see below.

Is Peat Moss Good For A Garden


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