
The Gardens At Osage Terrace

The Gardens At Osage Terrace

  1. Assisted Living
  2. Arkansas
  3. Bentonville Assisted Living Facilities

Nearby Hospitals

Mercy Hospital Northwest Arkansas
Type: Acute Care Hospitals
Ownership: Voluntary non-profit - Church
Has an ER: Yes
2 miles
Arkansas Children's Northwest, Inc
Type: Childrens
Ownership: Voluntary non-profit - Private
Has an ER: Yes
12 miles
Northwest Medical Center-Springdale
Type: Acute Care Hospitals
Ownership: Proprietary
Has an ER: Yes
14 miles
Vantage Point Of Northwest Arkansas
Type: Psychiatric
Ownership: Proprietary
Has an ER: No
15 miles
Northwest Health Physicians Specialty Hospital
Type: Acute Care Hospitals
Ownership: Proprietary
Has an ER: Yes
15 miles

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Does The Gardens At Osage Terrace offer the following services?

Pet Friendly
Allows pets
1 of 1 users say yes

Care for the terminally ill

Memory Care
Trained for Alzheimer's, dementia, etc.
1 of 1 users say yes

Incontinence Care
Care for bladder or bowel control problems
1 of 1 users say yes

Plan, Prepare & Clean-Up Meals
2 of 2 users say yes

24 Hour Staff
Provides around the clock staff
2 of 2 users say yes

For appointments, groceries, etc.
2 of 2 users say yes

Accepts Medicaid
Can pay for care via Medicaid
2 of 2 users say yes


Other Information

Administrator Kim Goins
Beds 55
Level 2
Not In Medicaid Program 0

Disclaimer: We DO NOT check license status for facilities and DO NOT ensure each property is classified as an "assisted living" facility. We try to list all senior living companies in a given area, some might not be licensed as assisted living. We strongly urge every consumer to conduct due diligence on facilities they are considering. This includes but is not limited to verifying the license status of a facility, researching inspection reports and complaints and visiting facilities in person.

The Gardens At Osage Terrace


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